Hero Information

Useful Info

Costumes & Props

How a hero presents themselves in the realm of Sidleterra is important to the story and the hero’s experience.  There are many options for how to design, make, or purchase your own costume.

As well, the foam weapons that we permit for use in our adventures are specially sourced and tested to ensure that they meet our safety requirements.  Please do not bring a foam weapon to camp that has not been purchased through our company as you will not be permitted to use it.

Here is a video for explaining how to use your foam sword in a safe manner:

Each hero is given the option to use one of our padded Short Swords, or to purchase their own padded weapon through our camp. It is important that campers use only those padded weapons purchased through our retail outlet as these are specially-designed weapons that are uniformly manufactured and have passed our safety inspections.

Our basic Foam Weapon options include:

Dagger (18″)

a foam dagger

Short Sword (24″)

a foam short sword

Long Sword (40″)

a foam sword

Long Staff (48″)

a foam staff

Costumes for the Wizards & Warriors Camp need not be “authentic” medieval attire. In fact, since you may be crawling through tunnels, jumping over obstacles, or engaging in padded sword play, we encourage our Heroes to think “durable, comfortable, and safe.” Also, since most adventurers are attending for at least two weeks of camp, multiple sets of costumes are necessary due to the high level of activity.

It isn’t necessary to spend a ton of money on specially-made costumes. Keep in mind that Halloween Costumes are almost never durable enough to make it through the rigors of our adventures. So here are some affordable options for filling out your wardrobe using modern clothing:

  • Ask your parents or older relatives for larger size T-Shirts which are Earth Tone in color (brown, grey, maroon, dark green, etc). Add a black belt around the waist and you have a make-shift tunic! These are a favorite among our heroes when the weather gets hot. Please, no logos, words, or screen prints on clothing.
  • The same can be done with an oversized white or other solid-colored button-down shirt.
  • A great source for a Leather Jerkin is to purchase an old leather jacket at a second-hand store and remove the collar and sleeves. Be sure to also pick up some extra leather belts!
  • While you are at the second hand shop, look for cheap costume jewelry and leather purses that can be made into belt pouches.
  • Pants, sweats, or shorts should be solid black, grey, or brown. Make sure there are no logos, words, or images on any costume pieces.
  • Footwear should be brown or black in color. Black out any logos with permanent marker.
  • All Sandals must cover the toes (to prevent stubbing injuries) and must secure to the foot with an adjustable heel strap (to prevent lost footwear while crawling through tunnels). Black out any logos with permanent marker.
  • No camouflage, basketball shorts, or jeans, please!
  • A trip to the fabric store and some quick sewing can make an excellent cloak.
  • Sashes can be made out of strips of cloth, old scarves, or large handkerchiefs
  • A large, solid-colored button-down shirt with the sleeves, collar, pocket, and buttons removed makes an excellent Surcoat.

We also have costumes available for purchase through our Trading Post. You will be given the opportunity to order these with your registration.

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