Wizards & Warriors STEM Camp

Fighting monsters with foam swords and physics...

Wizards & Warriors® STEM Summer Camp

Where adventure, learning, and friends await!

Our goal is to inspire life long learners who want to make a difference in the world. We do this by creating emotionally engaging and educational adventures where they are excited about learning science, languages, world cultures, history, myths & legends, and more in order to solve the mystery in which they are the Hero. Our company values are courage, honor, and compassion – which are also the attributes of our heroes. Let your adventurer journey to the land of Sidleterra™, the land where myth, history, and literature intersect and heroes are born!

Find More About LARP Summer Camps

For pricing and dates, please contact us.

The next step is simple… just fill out the below form and our licensed or independent camps will contact you and answer your questions.  We look forward to helping your hero live their adventure at a LARP summer camp!

the wizards and warriors stem summer camp logo

“What some might dismiss as a geeky alternative to more traditional camps, where sports and art classes rule, is actually a precious, even irresplaceable resource to the population it serves… these kids get to engage in more physically challenging and socially interactive versions of the [computer] games they already love. For many, the excitement comes from playing characters of their own creation in a multilayered adventure story their actions help shape. For others, it’s about sword fighting. But everyone seems to agree on the value – and fun – of turning video-game materials into real-life play,” – The Boston Globe

“A sensitive exposure to other cultures adds an ethical dimension to the experience, reinforced by the camp’s emphasis on compassion, courage and honor as the highest virtues to which the young heroes should aspire,” – NPR

“What (Guardian Adventures has) accomplished, seems to me, is to have done what Campbell would want us to with his work: synthesize it into our own work which puts us in service to our passion to the fulfillment of not only ourselves, but to the larger community,” – Joseph Campbell Foundation


The ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of adversity.


High respect; great esteem, adherence to what is right despite the influence or pressure of others.


Empathy, care, and concern for the mistreatment, suffering, or misfortunes of others.


Your hero will learn how to use their foam swords and special skills while incorporating team tactics so that their group can withstand the hordes of monsters that plague the land. They will stand shoulder to shoulder with friends and allies and face the oncoming threat with courage and resilience.


Campers learn how to formulate hypotheses and conduct experiments to test their ideas. They use their research and findings to solve the mystery of what happened, how it happened, why it occured, and what they can do with this information to succeed in the game.


Team Leaders help the Heroes learn what they need to know in order to succeed. All ages work together in their ongoing quest to “power up” by learning STEM. Once they prove their knowledge by teaching it to their friends, they gain skills and special powers for the battle.


Each summer, the story is based on a different world culture’s myths and legends. Heroes learn about monsters and characters from around the real world and throughout history as they gather important keys to solving mysteries, discovering treasure, and restoring peace to the land.

Take a moment and imagine how your child will feel when…

  • In a moment of strife, they discover their courage…
  • When they stand before a villain and fight for those who cannot defend themselves…
  • When they speak for those who suffer from lack of a voice…
  • When they face failure and continue forward because they know, deep in their heart, that they can survive this setback and try again…
  • When they bond with other kids who feel the same call to action and desire to be greater than the moment before them…
  • When they celebrate their victory with an intense feeling of accomplishment – because they had a part in this story and they made a difference.

Contact us today to be connected with the best camp for your child!


Wizards & Warriors and Sidleterra are registered trademarks of Guard Up Inc. All rights reserved. 

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