Cultura Connector: Policies

  1. What can get a searcher banned?  Any searcher who harrasses or spams a lister or who is discovered to be misusing the Cultura Connector database will be banned.
  2. What can get a lister banned? Any lister who harrasses or spams a lister, displays harmful or obscene pictures, links, or text, or who is discovered to be misusing the Cultura Connector database will be banned.
  3. What are our privacy policies? Our privacy policies can be found here:
  4. Spammers will be banned: Anyone discovered to be using Cultura Connector to spam listers will be banned.
  5. Data Scrapers will be prosecuted: Any individual, group, or organization that manually or automatically scrapes content from Cultura Connector will be banned.
  6. Bots will be banned: Bots crawling for any purpose beyond search engine optimization will be banned.
  7. Waiver of liability: All users agree that Cultura Connector, Guardian Adventures, Guard Up Inc. and all employees, volunteers, owners, board members, and other associates are not responsible for the information displayed on Cultura Connector nor of the validity of this information.

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