If you have significant lived experience within a culture and are available to provide guidance and direction for companies, organizations, and individuals interested in exploring, depicting, or working with that culture, please consider creating a listing in Cultura Connector. We have many large clients and associates who are looking to hire you!
The time has come to make it profoundly easy for companies to properly represent cultures in a way that is authentic and appropriate through the guidance of your lived experience.
Cultura Connector is a service that is provided free of charge for listing and free of charge for searching. All you have to do is create an account and then fill out a profile.
Represent the diversity our global community has to offer.
Create a listing by selecting the “List Now” button below. This will take you to our comprehensive listing form for a free submission.
If you are interested in using the database to locate professionals or organizations from a specific culture, subculture, or a DEI specialists, please select the “Notify Me” button for when the database will open to searching.