Play the video above to get an idea about our camp and how our teens entertain and educate our campers.

Monster Campers (CIT) are our elite group of older teen campers (ages 16-19) who wish to train as educators and entertainers and perhaps become staff one day.  This is different than our Blackwatch Teen Camp (although many of our CIT attend that camp as well). Our camp is unusual in that our CITs are NOT treated as counselors… you do not lead the campers without specific guidance while being overseen by our adult staff.  However, CITs are trained like our counselors and have specific responsibilities in accordance with their age and experience.

Our CITs are mentored by our adult staff who have extensive training in youth management.  Since CITs are close in age with our campers, they need training and time to develop important decision making skills before they can become counselors. We provide a safe environment where you can practice your entertainment, curriculum development, and group management skills with campers but without the stress of being actual counselors.  We rely on CITs as role models and to help in many aspects of running the camp – but they are also campers and are given time for rest, recreation, and guidance, just like our youth campers.

Monster Campers are given the opportunity to learn the following:

  • Methods for running safe, entertaining and educational plots for younger campers
  • Conflict resolution skills to help campers as well as their own teamwork and play together
  • How to role play as creatures and characters from literature, mythology and history
  • Creating fun, educational curriculum for the campers as they learn physics, biology, chemistry, math, history, Latin, and more.
  • Basic makeup and costuming techniques to create a more theatrical environment
  • Problem solving and thinking-on-your-feet to address instant changes in story line and to adjust entertainment or educational value
  • Coordinating and planning logistics for flow of events, resources, staffing, props, special effects and more
  • How to establish a professional demeanor and motivate your team and campers
  • Being proactive and identifying problems before they arise

Our Monster Campers develop a camaraderie with each other and your staff mentors which can last a lifetime.  Graduates from the CIT program may be preferred candidates for future camp counselor paid positions.  As well, CIT Campers can list the various skills and experience that they have learned on their college or job resume.

The following are requirements for all CIT Campers:

  • Previous experience working with younger kids
  • Strong sense of responsibility and safety
  • Provide own basic costuming
  • Be reliable and able to take instruction
  • In good physical shape (playing monsters is rigorous!)

Acting/role playing experience is helpful, but not necessary.  We can teach you.

How to apply to be a Monster Camper:

First time applicants need to submit the form at the bottom of the page, attention to the Camp Director stating their interest. The Camp Director will then work to schedule an in-person or phone interview with the applicant.

Returning applicants need to send a cover letter and resume (it does not need to be perfect, but does need to show thought and effort). Steve will then work to schedule an in-person or phone interview with the applicant. These interviews may be with the Camp Director or with the Camp’s Program Director.

Overnight Monster Camper Program

The program begins when all overnight monster campers will arrive at camp for training week. Monster Campers are required to attend both Zombie Camp and Wizards & Warriors Camp. Prices are for the entire summer.

Overnight Monster Camper Prices (Total for all weeks, and the additional days of free training):

Tier 1 Monster Campers – 50% off current camper tuition

Tier 2 Monster Campers – Further reduced rates

Tier 3 Monster Campers – Participate at no cost

How Tiers Are Decided

The Monster Camper program is designed as a per year progression. All first year Monster Campers, if accepted, begin at Tier 1. Returning Monster Campers have the potential to be accepted at a level of Tier 2 or higher. Levels for returning Monster Campers are based on outside experience, demonstrated skill and demonstrated maturity.

To apply, contact us.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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