
How to Introduce Higher Level Science to Elementary School Kids

The world of science is vast and intriguing, but is often seen as a subject that should be limited according to grade level. However, just like teaching a child to swim in the shallow part of a pool before diving into the deep end, we can introduce elementary school students to the depths of higher-level science if we use the right techniques. Early exposure to advanced concepts not only lays a stronger foundation for future learning but also ignites an innate curiosity that can last a lifetime.

Here are just a few benefits of introducing advanced science concepts early:

  • Broadened Horizons and Deeper Curiosity: Studies have shown that children are natural-born scientists, innately curious and constantly exploring the world around them1. By introducing higher-level science concepts early, we’re essentially feeding this curiosity, paving the way for more profound understanding and exploration in later years.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Complex scientific ideas challenge young minds, pushing them to think critically and analytically2. This not only prepares them for rigorous academic challenges in the future but also for problem-solving in everyday life.
  • Preparedness for the Future: With the rapid advancement in science and technology, the next generation will be at the forefront of solving global challenges. Early immersion in advanced science provides them with the knowledge and mindset needed to face these challenges head-on.

So now that we know that this is a good idea… the question remains about how we introduce these concepts.  Here are few ideas to get you started:


1. Using Metaphors to Explain Complex Ideas

Metaphors are powerful tools that draw parallels between the familiar (what the student already knows) and the unfamiliar (what they do not know), making advanced concepts more accessible. The beauty of metaphors lies in their ability to transform abstract and sometimes intimidating concepts into relatable and digestible information. By connecting the known with the unknown, metaphors serve as bridges to understanding. Here are some examples to highlight using metaphors in explaining complex scientific ideas to elementary school children:

    • Cells as Cities: The cell can be likened to a bustling city. The nucleus, which contains the cell’s genetic material, is like the city hall or control center. The mitochondria, responsible for energy production, can be seen as power plants. The endoplasmic reticulum, involved in protein and lipid synthesis, parallels factories producing goods. This metaphor allows students to visualize the intricate workings of a cell in a context they can more easily understand1
    • Electrical Circuits as Water Flow: Explaining electrical circuits can be daunting for young students. However, if you compare it to water flowing through pipes, it becomes clearer. Batteries can be thought of as water pumps, pushing water (or current) through the pipes (or wires). Resistors can be likened to narrow parts of the pipe where water flow (or current) slows down.
    • Gravity as a Ball on a Trampoline: To understand the concept of gravity and its effect on space-time, think of a trampoline. When a heavy ball (representing a planet or star) is placed in the middle of the trampoline, it creates a dip or curve. Smaller balls (representing smaller celestial bodies or objects) will roll towards the heavier ball, mimicking the gravitational pull2
    • Enzymes as Locks and Keys: Enzymes, which facilitate biochemical reactions, can be hard to visualize. However, by likening them to locks and their substrates as keys, students can grasp how only the right key (substrate) fits into a lock (enzyme) to unlock (or catalyze) a reaction3
    • Particle Physics Quest for the Hidden Particle: This is a Zoom or in-classroom interactive adventure that teachers can run for ages 8-10 that explores particle physics within an exciting mystery.

Note: Metaphors (as well as Games and Stories) are NOT going to hold up under deeper scrutiny and certainly won’t be applicable as you get into more details of how the science works.  It’s also important to know that they can be misused to spread false information if there are not transparent and regular reminders that the content is simplified and not to be taken out of context or mistaken for deeper knowledge. 


2. Engaging with Games

Games provide hands-on experience, allowing kids to learn by doing3. For example, introducing the concept of physics through marble races can explore ideas related to motion, energy, and force. Games also offer immediate feedback, which is vital for learning. If a child makes a mistake, they can understand what went wrong right away and try again, which leads to better retention of the concept. Educational games can be tailored to include cultural elements (like stories, below) that make the scientific content more relatable to diverse audiences, breaking down barriers that might discourage some children from taking an interest in science. 

Creating interactive adventures like EduLARPs which utilize autonomy and a sense of progress can motivate learners to do their own investigation outside of the formal learning environment in order to excel at the game. Such tangible experiences are not only exciting and engaging, they can assist with understanding of higher level concepts and inspire more curiosity on the topic.


3. Narrating Through Stories

Stories captivate minds of all ages. By weaving scientific concepts into tales, children can grasp ideas within a context they understand. Take the water cycle, for example. Narrating it as a journey of a water droplet traveling from a river to the sky and back again not only simplifies the process but also makes it memorable. Just like games, cultural elements or references can make the subject more interesting as well as applicable to the students. Exploring the stories of scientists who are people of color or who had a disability can reach kids who have that same lived experience in a way that other stories might not. 


When stories are combined with games as well as cultural references, you have a powerful triumvirate for learning. You can reach the students by engaging their own interests and meeting them where they are in their preferred learning style. If you add a debrief at the end of the game, story, or metaphor exploration, you will dramatically improve the learning objectives. And when this happens, motivation takes over for learning science concepts that can be far beyond what is considered “grade level”. The outcome can be inspiring kids to see themselves as scientists, not just now, but in the future as a career path. 



1. Gopnik, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (1999). The scientist in the crib: Minds, brains, and how children learn. William Morrow & Co.

2. Zosh, J. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2015). O the places we will go: The benefits of immersive storytelling for the development of children’s scientific thinking. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 634.

3. Hassinger-Das, B., Toub, T. S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2017). A matter of principle: Applying language science to the classroom and beyond. Translational issues in psychological science, 3(1), 5.



Guardian Adventures provides consulting and program development for museum and science centers, summer campsamusement & attraction industries, and more.

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