Improving Training & Development

Custom designed group and corporate events and adventure consulting

Improving Training & Development with Stories

Stories are the most powerful tool an employer has to connect with their staff.

Stories, or good stories, are paired with emotional connections that will have a deeper impact on the listener, changing how they comprehend and retain the information therein. Storytelling connects with people on a level that your average training cannot. The lessons aren’t just heard but felt. We know this sounds daunting, but if you can tell a story than you can do it too. It’s as easy as weaving a tale that encompasses the desired lessons then asking your staff:

  1. What did you learn from the story?
  2. How would you apply that lesson to your own life?
  3. Are you willing to commit to that application?

We are here to help.

If you want to improve your training and development, amplify your relationships with your employees, or advance your own management skills, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

Using Stories To Train Your Staff To Improve Retention And Understanding

How To Encourage Informal Learning In Your Organization (Forbes)

Formal Versus Informal Education

“Informal education is the wise, respectful and spontaneous process of cultivating learning. It works through conversation, and the exploration and enlargement of experience.”  (Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. K. (1997, 2005, 2011). ‘What is informal education?’)

Learning doesn’t need to happen on a page, slideshow, or script. In fact, the best learning avoids these run of the mill techniques. The best learning is “informal,” or student-driven. When the student is in the driver’s seat, the road becomes much more important. Give your staff the opportunity to learn on their own, with some guidance of course, and you will see results of improved retention, understand, and application. That’s what informal education can do.

Contact us today to begin your own story…

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