
Nonviolent Conflict Resolution (NCR) is an approach to settle conflict that emphasizes communication, cooperation, and empathy. It is based on the idea that conflict can be resolved without the use of violence, and that by understanding the underlying issues and emotions involved, individuals can find mutually beneficial solutions. Note: This approach requires investment in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) so that students of NCR have a better understanding of their and others’ emotional state, motivations, and how best to de-escalate a situation.

Nonviolent conflict resolution can have many benefits, including:

  1. Reducing violence: NCR teaches individuals to resolve conflict through communication and cooperation, rather than through violence. This can help to reduce the incidence of physical and verbal aggression, and create a safer environment – both mentally and physically.
  2. Empathy and understanding: This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the perspectives and emotions of others. By learning to empathize with others, individuals can build stronger relationships and work together to find mutually beneficial (and often more creative and robust) solutions.
  3. Conflict resolution skills: Individuals can learn the skills they need to resolve conflicts effectively and in a way that may be more long-lasting. Using skills such as active listening, negotiation, and problem-solving, each “side” of the conflict will have an opportunity to have their concerns heard and hopefully addressed. As well, individuals trained in NCR can feel more confident and capable in their ability to resolve conflicts by having more tools beyond physical or verbal aggression.
  4. Cultural sensitivity: With a robust training approach that includes Culture Based Learning, nonviolent conflict resolution can promote cultural sensitivity and understanding. By learning about different cultures and customs, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives of others and find ways to resolve conflicts that respect the beliefs and values of all parties.
  5. Long-term benefits: The long-term benefits for individuals (and also for society as a whole) include reduction in crime, improved relationships, and communities where members feel a sense of belonging. This, in turn, can lead to higher engagement and a more inclusive society.

In order to be effective, nonviolent conflict resolution education or training requires not just conceptual learning, but also interactive practice.  This can often be best served with live action roleplaying (called LARP) and a significant amount of time dedicated to debriefing so as to improve the transfer of knowledge outside of the learning environment and be available to the learner during actual conflict.

Nonviolent conflict resolution is an important set of skills that can provide more equitable, impactful, and long-lasting outcomes for individuals, organizations, and communities. 


Guardian Adventures provide consulting and licensing of educational adventures, including a free LARP and cultural programs, for summer campsamusement & attraction industries, and more.


Transfer is the ability to apply what was learned to new situations – especially situations outside of the formal learning environment. 

We’ve all seen it: A student or employee who has been taught a specific lesson or skill but when the teaching or training ends, they seem to either forget what they learned or fail to understand how to apply what they now know.  In the field of education, this is referred to as a failure to transfer knowledge.

Debriefing is an essential aspect of learning that involves reflecting on experiences, thoughts, and feelings after a lesson or training session, or even a specific event. In both the classroom and the workplace, debriefing can improve lesson transfer. Transfer is considered the pinnacle of all education because without it, the learning will only be applicable in the exact environment in which it occurred.  

Here are some techniques that can be used for debriefing to improve transfer:

  1. Reflection

    Reflecting on a lesson involves thinking about and also discussing what was learned and how it can be applied in the future or in different environments. In the classroom, this can be done through writing assignments, group discussions, or individual reflection. In the workplace, this can be done through post-project evaluations, team meetings, or individual reflection.1

  2. Review

    Reviewing key points through a slightly different lens helps to reinforce what was learned and identifies areas that need further improvement. Summing up the key points of the training or lesson is good – but even better if the summation comes from the learners instead of the trainer. In the classroom and the workplace, this can be done through having the learner reframe and review the lesson by using analogies and metaphors.2

  3. Discussion

    Discussing challenges and successes as it pertains to the topic being learned helps to identify personal areas of strength and weakness, and can help learners formulate solutions to any residual problems. In the classroom, this can be done through group discussions, writing assignments, or individual reflection. In the workplace, this can be done through team meetings, break out groups, and even online forums.3

  4. Identification

    Identifying transferable skills helps the learner see the big picture and how what was learned can be applied in other situations – especially through the lens of what matters to the learner. When applying the learner’s perspective of why the content matters, the learner creates a sense of ownership over the information. In the classroom and in the workplace, this can be done through group discussions, individual reflection, or follow up tasks associated with both the lesson and the interest of the learner.4

Debriefing can have a significant impact on lesson transfer and can help individuals not only understand, but also retain what was learned for a longer period. Through the use of these techniques at the end of a class or training session, you will an improvement in how your students or employees use their newfound knowledge beyond the learning environment.



  1. Boud, D., Keogh, R., & Walker, D. (1985). Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Kogan Page Publishers.
  2. Stenger, M. (2017). 10 Ways to Improve Transfer of Learning. OpenColleges.edu.au
  3. Moon, J. A. (2004). A handbook of reflective and experiential learning: Theory and practice. Routledge.
  4. Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Basic books.


Guardian Adventures provide consulting and licensing of educational adventures, including a free LARP and cultural programs, for summer campsamusement & attraction industries, and more.

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