Hello again! Your friendly neighborhood Guardian here. I’m so sorry that you’re still on hold. Someone will come to your aid soon, I assure you. In the meantime, allow me to regale you with more short stories from my time here at the Guardian Castle. Where to begin…oh!

How about that time when…

We were looking into a potential ghost problem. The daily report claimed that a strange voice that identified herself as “Siri” had been heard in the castle walls.

So far, she only answers questions and is quite helpful. She even helped that time that…

All of our quills were stolen by gnomes to be used as miniature arrows. Ugh, those blasted gnomes! Those quills stung too.

They didn’t sting quite as much as the stench when…

Our guard-dragon was too good at her job and we had to work from the stables. The dragon was fierce, but not as fierce as the smell of stables at high noon.

Oh! Do you remember when…

I used a snooze potion on my alarm-rooster so many times that it fell asleep and I missed my quest. No? Of course you don’t. You were on the quest! I hear it was quite the adventure.

Reminds me of that time…

We had to purge the Great Library of Wikipedidom of false texts scribbled by pranksters in the local jester academy. What a day that was.

Anyway, thank you for waiting. Someone will be around to help you as soon as they can, I assure you. Your patience is greatly appreciated, almost as much as your efforts that time that…

Zombies had gotten unbelievably better at disguising themselves and we had to update our screening process. This proved incredibly difficult at a business that promotes screen free adventures.

Oh well. It was still easier than that time when…

The bridge troll started demanding jokes in exchange for passage and we were running out of puns…what do you call an immortal goblin who blocks your way? An everlasting gobstopper! Hahaha. Oh, I should write that down for Little Knights class today.

‘Twas a wild day, why, almost as wild as when…

On the way into work today my metal dragon decided to combust and left me stranded. Albert, Alonzo, and Alveretta the Triple AAA tinkerers worked their magic as best they could…but I was still late to The Castle.

Speaking of late…I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you. Perhaps if you hang up and calling again we can refresh our conversation where we left off…

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