
Integrating Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) into a summer camp can be an exciting and engaging way to provide campers with a unique, educational, and immersive experience. LARPing allows campers to physically embody a character and interact with others in a live setting, which can help to build problem-solving techniques, improvisational skills (thinking on your feet), and competency in teamwork.

The first step for integrating LARP into a summer camp is to decide on a theme or setting for the game. This can be based on a fictional world, historical event, or even a real-world scenario. The theme or setting you decide on will provide the foundation for the game and will help to guide the creation of the story, characters, costumes, and props.

Once the theme or setting has been decided on, the next step is to create characters for the campers to play. These characters should be well-rounded and have distinct personalities and abilities. They should also be appropriate for the setting of the game. Providing a character sheet with the character’s background and abilities can be helpful for the campers to better understand and connect with their character, as well as for remembering what their chosen skills are, and how many times they can utilize them.

In order to further the immersion of the experience, campers should be provided with (or have time and resources to make) costumes and props to help them fully embody their characters. These can be as simple or as elaborate as desired, but they should serve to amplify and support the setting of the game.

If the game style involves physical conflict scenarios with play weapons then foam swords and shields or NERF Blasters can be provided for safe interactions. Or if the conflict (which is what makes an adventure a challenge) is only verbal, what real-life or pretend skills can you provide that help the campers navigate the conflict and succeed through the practice of those skills?

The set of game rules and mechanics (how the game works) are also important. Choose a system that is not too complex, making it hard to comprehend, and not so simple as to make it limited and boring. If you are a novice at LARPing, you may choose a simple LARP system to start and then graduate to a more robust LARP system that provides more character, skill, and interaction options.

The final step is to create an interactive scenario, or “quest”, for the campers to participate in. This scenario should provide a clear goal, perhaps one that is in alignment with your camp mission, for the campers to work towards. The scene should also include challenges and obstacles that will require the campers to work together and use their characters’ abilities. Ideally, each scenario requires a diversity of skills so that each camper has the opportunity to “shine” in the moment when they use their special skill to accomplish the goal.  

The scene may also require campers to accrue their skills through the completion of projects based in STEM or other academic topics. The important thing is to make sure that the STEM is directly related to the challenge the campers are facing and not just “tacked on” as an educational lesson. These educational elements add a much higher level of value to the camp program because the campers can learn topics applicable to their studies at school.

It’s also important to have a clear safety protocol in place and to train staff and campers on safety rules before the start of the LARP event. This includes the use of safe weapons and shields, guidelines for physical contact, and even established rules of verbal conflict that keep the interactions from escalating to an “out of game” situation where the campers feel personally attacked.

In addition to the LARP event, there are opportunities to include other activities that tie into the game. This includes workshops on crafts that fit the theme such as archery or fencing lessons, historical reenactment and improv lessons, negotiation and social-emotional exercises, and other activities that will help to further immerse the campers in the LARP while also enriching their lives outside of the game. You can even run online LARPs during the non-summer camp season so as to keep your campers engaged in your camp alongside the friends they made at your camp.

Integrating LARP into a summer camp can be an exciting and engaging way to provide campers with not just an entertaining and exciting activity, but a truly enriching and educational experience. Give it a try with our free LARP game and see how quickly your campers will feel like heroes as they take on the challenge of saving the world.


About:  Guardian Adventures provides free and licensed educational games, adventures, and LARP systems for summer camps, schools, and recreation organizations.


Live Action Role-Playing, or LARP for short, is a type of role-playing game where the players and staff physically act out their characters’ actions and interactions in a live setting. Unlike traditional tabletop role-playing games, where players describe their characters’ actions and roll dice to determine the outcome, or video games, where players roleplay through an avatar, LARPing involves the person physically acting out the actions and using their own body and voice to portray the character. Staff are considered Non-Player Characters, or NPC for short, and are the people who present the story and environment for the players who are sometimes called Player Characters, or PC for short.

LARPs can be based in a wide variety of settings, including fictional worlds, historical events, and even real-world scenarios. These games can take place in many different types of locations, such as forests, parks, and even classrooms or summer camps. Some LARPs are held in dedicated LARPing venues, which may include buildings containing costuming, props, and other special effects to enhance the level of immersion in the experience.

One of the main draws of LARPing is the ability to physically embody a character and interact with other players in a live setting. This allows players to experience the story and world in a much more visceral and personal way than is possible with traditional tabletop or video role-playing games. Since both players and NPCs are not strictly scripted with their interactions, the game can provide a superb opportunity to practice improvisational acting. Additionally, LARPing allows for a wide range of creative expression, as players can create their own costumes, props, and weapons made of foam or other safe materials.

Another important aspect of LARPing is the community and social aspect. Many LARPers form close-knit groups that meet regularly to participate in games and events together. These groups often develop strong bonds and friendships, and the sense of camaraderie and shared experience can be a significant draw for both players and NPCs. This experience can also be transferred into simple roleplaying through video chat, text messaging, or online forums to provide engagement when a LARP is not in session.

LARPing is not just for adults, as many children, and young adults participate in LARP events and games, and it can also be an educational tool. It can be used to teach history, literature, STEM, and other academic subjects. As well as to build non-violent conflict resolution techniques, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and Social Emotional Learning.

If you haven’t tried LARPing, you should consider it. The unique form of role-playing offers both players and staff the opportunity to physically embody a character and interact with others in a live setting with all of the benefits of exercise, skill building, and creative play. With a broad variety of settings, costumes, and props, LARPing allows for a wide range of impromptu expression as well as an immersive learning experience. Additionally, the social and community aspect of LARPing can be important for many players and NPCs who are highly creative and looking for a sense of belonging. You can usually find a LARP near you by doing a Google Search… or you could create your own LARP!  Either way, it is sure to be a learning experience.


Guardian Adventures provide consulting and licensing of educational adventures, including a free LARP and cultural programs, for summer campsamusement & attraction industries, and more.


LARP, or live action role play, can be a tool (or perhaps a better term is “vehicle”) in education that involves students role-playing various characters or scenarios in order to learn and understand new concepts. Educational LARPs are also known as EduLARPs.

Subjects for study can vary from SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) to academics like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).  Which learning concepts the teacher wants to explore can determine the best story for the experience (what we call “Adventure” or “Module”).

LARP can be effective in teaching for a variety of reasons:

  1. LARP promotes active learning: LARP requires students to actively participate in the learning process, rather than simply listening to lectures or reading materials. This can make learning more engaging and interactive, and can help students to better retain and understand the information being presented. As well, if time for active reflection is provided after the adventure, LARP can improve transfer of this knowledge into both the academic setting as well as their personal lives.
  2. LARP encourages critical thinking: LARP can encourage students to think critically about the information being presented, as they must consider the perspectives and motivations of different characters and make decisions based on that information. This can help students to develop their critical thinking skills. It can also make room for “in-game” (during the adventure) consequences which shows why the critical thinking skills are important.
  3. LARP can be inclusive: LARP can be inclusive and culturally sensitive, as it allows students to bring their own experiences and perspectives to the role-playing scenarios. Allowing a student to bring their full, authentic self into the learning environment can improve their sense of belonging and therefore motivation. As well, by using scenarios from a variety of cultures and viewpoints, teachers can create a more diverse and inclusive learning environment.
  4. LARP can be adaptable: LARP is flexible and can be adapted to a variety of different subjects and age levels. Teachers can use LARP to teach a wide range of concepts, from language and literature to STEM and history by making the successful outcome of an adventure dependent upon this knowledge. LARP can also be useful in Informal Learning environments where participants want an immersive learning experience.
  5. LARP can teach SEL: LARP can provide a safe environment for participants to exercise positive social behaviors and relationships with their peers and adults. The safety to explore and decide which directions they want to take their character encourages students to bring those decisions to their lives. They build their own sense of moral, purpose, self-awareness and confidence which leads to decreased emotional distress, reduced risk-taking behavior, improved test scores, grades and attendance.
  6. LARP can be entertaining: LARP can be a fun and enjoyable way to learn, which can help to create a positive and welcoming classroom environment. 
  7. LARP can teach Improv:  Improvisational skills are vital in both the workplace and personal life. If the adventure is getting boring, a teacher can use improv to adjust the interactions and make the story more exciting.

LARP can be a challenge to use in educational settings if the students or teacher are confused by the “game” aspect of the adventure.  This can best be addressed by creating a simplified LARP system that can be easily and quickly understood. Other venues, like summer camps, can have time to explore a more complete LARP system that can be profoundly immersive.

And yet, LARP can be a powerful and effective tool for engaging and educating students. By using LARP in the classroom, teachers can create a more dynamic, interactive, and inclusive learning environment, and help students to better understand and remember important concepts.


About:  Guardian Adventures provides free and licensed educational games, adventures, and LARP systems for summer camps, schools, and recreation organizations.


Cultural Education and Culture Based Learning are often confused because of the similar outcome of higher student engagement.  However, there are subtle differences that can help you determine the best approach for your learning environment.

What is Cultural Education: Instruction or interactive experiences that provides education about other cultures in the learning environment for each subject. IE: Asian math techniques are presented in Math class. The Indigenous perspective is presented in History class. Any number of authors from non-Eurocentric cultures are studied in English/Literature. Islamic Science is investigated in Science. As well, how science or engineering is used in different cultures and famous scientists from different cultures. Language classes are offered in sufficient number that are beyond Romance and Germanic language classes. In the arts curriculum, music and art would be explored from musicians and artists that are typically unrepresented in the school.

Cultural Education is important for the following reasons:

  1. We live in a truly global community and learning about cultures that are not like our own can help us integrate into that community as an adult
  2. Presenting different origins of subjects and how they are utilized in a diversity of cultures provides more opportunities for comprehension of the learning material
  3. Allowing students to see their own culture represented in the learning material can improve their sense of belonging in the learning environment.

What is Culture-Based Learning (CBL): The process of integrating different cultures or lived experience of the students into the formal learning topics. IE. Using history books that cover perspectives from the students’ cultures with primary sources that are of that culture. Cultural performers, authors, and artists that represent the cultures of the students are frequent guests into the learning environment. Teachers or professors also encourage students to discuss their own culture or lived experience in the classroom and allow it to be a part of the topic being explored. There is a recognition of cultural holidays outside of the typical state or federal holidays.

Culture-Based Learning is important for the following reasons:

  1. A diversity of perspectives can improve students’ abilities to find numerous solutions to a single challenge
  2. Encouraging a student to integrate their culture into the learning material can improve not only their interest, but their comprehension and application of the learning material.
  3. Allowing each student to present their culture or lived experience can help promote cultural awareness and appreciation of similarities which can prevent bullying

Adding Cultural Education and/or Culture-Based Learning to the classroom can be a powerful factor in improving student learning, retention, and application. It can also improve the transfer of the education outside of the formal learning environment and into the student’s lives and interests. Transfer of knowledge is considered the pinnacle of solid education and these concepts can improve this objective.

See the video below for How to use Culture Based Learning in Education.




    1. Representation Matters: https://tatp.utoronto.ca/teaching-toolkit/equity-diversity-and-inclusion/representation-matters
    2. Diversity Leads to Better Solutions: https://showmethedata.blog/diversity-leads-to-better-solutions
    3. Using Formal and Informal Curricula to Improve Interactions Between Home and International Students: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1028315308329786
    4. Overcoming Perceived Differences to Prevent Bullying: https://www.stopbullying.gov/blog/2015/10/13/overcoming-perceived-differences-prevent-bullying 
    5. The Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Student Outcomes in CS1 and Beyond  https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3446871.3469748


Guardian Adventures provide consulting and licensing of educational adventures, including a free LARP and cultural programs, for summer campsamusement & attraction industries, and more.


Daniel Bauer: In this episode with Meghan Gardner, we discuss 1) How being a hospice volunteer helped create a non judgmental leadership approach., 2) Creating emotionally engaging cultural educational experiences, and 3) Masterclass on empathy, listening, and powerful storytelling for leaders to use…

Show Highlights

  • How being a hospice volunteer helped create a non judgmental leadership approach.
  • Creating emotionally engaging cultural educational experiences.
  • Masterclass on empathy, listening, and powerful storytelling for leaders to use.
  • Decision making requires enough time to be uncomfortable with time
  • Fantasy and games create commonality and open up necessary possibilities for students
  • How to cause good trouble in the world
  • Before you can make a ruckus, you’ve got to create a sense of belonging.
  • Inspire the idea of challenging what we think.
  • Decision making is about mistakes and the outcome. Own any outcome.

“One of the hardest things to do is to give that kind of compassionate listening when you are being judged. When the person you’re listening to is having a hard time listening to you. It’s tough because as a leader, you’re in a position of authority. By that very nature, you are the one who has power over them or over the outcome. It can be very challenging when that emotional burden is in your chair because it is upon you to give more compassionate listening. Boy it can feel lonely. There can be days when you’re human too, and you just don’t want to hear yet another reason why someone thinks you’re wrong.”

-Meghan Gardner


Guardian Adventures has been focusing on how to improve cultural education.

You have seen our blog updates to help Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion specialists and Cultural educators get found and hired by different industries. And our networking events, on the Clubhouse mobile application, to discuss cultural education. But we haven’t stopped there. This mission is important to us and we have another event dedicated to cultural education.

On July 15th at 10am EDT, School Administrators and Directors of Curriculum can participant in a free event by joining Meghan Gardner, Founder and CEO of Guard Up’s Guardian Adventures, Genein Letford, Founder and Chief Creative Officer of CAFFE Strategies, and Giancarlo Brotto, Catalyst Co-Founder, facilitating an interactive, output-oriented discussion to generate new ideas on how to integrate Cultural Education into classrooms in a way that improves equity and inclusion for students as well as make subjects more culturally appropriate.

Find out more information about this event by visiting https://share.hsforms.com/14kecG5-tSTqM2VexRjNCtw5bkrq and saving your seat!


Our Cultural directory is live for receiving submissions! The database helps cultural educators, centers, crafters, and performers can get found and hired by schools, entertainment industries, manufacturers, and more. If you are interested in listing as a cultural educator or diversity, equity, and inclusion specialist in our searchable database then visit CulturaConnector.com and select the “List Now” button. The comprehensive listing form is free to submit.

If you are interested in using the database to locate cultural educators or DEI specialists, there is a “Notify Me” button for when the database will be open for searching.



Meghan is the epitome of Intercultural Creativity and discusses what it means to challenge yourself to grow, to be self aware, and to push the boundaries of your comfort zones in order to connect with others and connect with yourself. Listen to From Fire Breathing to Global Escape Rooms – How to Live an Intercultural Creative Life of Adventure with Meghan Gardner.
Click to listen below!


I attended a week-long conference for educators last year at Harvard Graduate School of Education. One of the speakers asked the audience what kinds of things they had learned that were not from formal classes or schooling. The audience offered a wide variety of topics from investing to woodworking. I briefly considered mentioning my own hobby of fire breathing… but didn’t want to throw the topic off with people wanting to know why the heck I would take up such an activity.

The instructor asked where each person learned their craft. For quite a few, the answer was YouTube. Some learned from friends. And of course, many read books or visited websites. In my case, I hired a professional circus performer because I knew the consequences of a mistake in lighting a big breath of liquid paraffin into a massive burst of flames just inches in front of my face could be quite painful, if not fatal. But the most interesting part about this discussion was the idea that, more than anything else, Informal Education teaches us our learning doesn’t stop when school ends.

Long ago, I read a book called Teaching as a Subversive Activity (Neil Postman & Charles Wingartner). I thought that schools needed a solid dose of this concept. However, not in the common interpretation of “let the kids learn whatever they want to learn” as much as making learning applicable to something of interest to the student. As well, I appreciated the chapter that bestowed upon the teachers the daunting task of helping students develop a strong “BS Detector”. This idea has never been more important than now in the Age of (Mis) Information.

Formal schooling serves a very important function in providing a foundation upon which to build our own inquiries. You will have a hard time getting the information you need to pursue your interest if you do not know how to read and write. You won’t be able to make sufficient estimates or question internet memes that contain questionable statistics if you don’t know math. History, myth, and literature teach us about humanity through time… what we did, why we did it, and whether the climate is becoming ripe for us to repeat atrocities we thought would never come to bear again.

Children need education. And yes, they do need at least some memorization. But as the foundation is being laid, they also need something very different: They need to be encouraged to tackle problems with no clear answer. Even better: Diving into problems that no one immediately knows how to approach with certainty. This is because at the highest level of innovation they will constantly find themselves in the state of “no one has done this before”.

My youngest daughter, Gwen, is working as a Physicist for the summer at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. They have shut down the Large Hadron Collider and a large team of Particle Physicists are working on a massive upgrade. Gwen is an undergrad at Cornell University and was accepted into a small program to spend the spring semester of her junior year at CERN. This internship was then extended into the summer as she continued her research work. Gwen is the one undergrad on her entire team who are almost entirely PhDs. She was given an assignment to program custom circuit boards for the CMS detector. The upgrade she is working on will go into effect in 7 years.

When Gwen was handed the assignment, she was told that no one knew how to do what she was being asked to do. She would have to figure it out and then report back to the team. They could provide feedback and suggestions… but she was going to have to forge her own path. Meanwhile, the other team members were doing the same with their own assignments. This is because what they are trying to accomplish at CERN has never been done before on any machine, let alone the largest and most complex machine ever created by mankind.

When I talked to Gwen about this, she said that it was a little intimidating at first. Because as a student in school or college, you know you have a teacher, with answers, whom you can turn to if you are truly stumped. In this endeavor, however, everyone is in a constant state of trying to “figure it out”. Since there have been many people in the past who have used coding to accomplish goals that can be related to her project, Gwen spends quite a bit of time reading and researching what others have done.  Then, building off of these resources, she combines approaches and tries different paths… essentially just “messing around” with the coding to try and see what fits her objective. She also mentioned that one hurdle she had to overcome was letting go of achieving specific outcomes in a specific time frame – which is what a lot of formal education focuses on. Instead, there are checkpoints where the teams meet and individuals give presentations on their work. The focus is more on showing progress than on having concrete expectations around what is being produced.

I recall one scientist saying that most discoveries come less from having the right answers as much as having the right questions. But having the right questions is often not the focus of formal primary and secondary education (although it tends to get into much more exploration at the college level). Innovation requires us to learn a process of forming an inquiry. We need to let go of the idea that inquiry is innate. We may all be capable of asking questions. But if we lack foundational knowledge, we can waste a great deal of time asking questions that don’t address the challenge.

I don’t think the answer to raising innovative students is to abandon formal education. We do need foundational knowledge in order to build our inquiry. However, I think the strength of Informal Education makes more space for learning the process of inquiry. The process of Informal Learning is self-directed, learner-controlled, and present in most of our lives on a regular basis. It’s part of a child’s daily life when they play, such as building structures out of sticks or containers. As adults, we still come upon this in our own life routinely. Just think of the last time you looked up a solution to a problem you had on the internet.

There are many aspects of Informal Education and Learning that deserve comprehensive discussion and exploration. For example, Formal Education uses the “Push” model of education delivery: Teachers present information that the student receives. Informal Education uses the “Pull” model:  Students reach out and locate the information they need to solve the problem at hand. The former is assigned work that is often based in a grade (pass/fail). The latter is utilized by individuals who have an immediate need or interest that is based in performance (how well does it get the job done), to satisfy a curiosity, or for formulate an informed opinion. I see this repeatedly with digital natives (the generations who have grown up with the internet). If they want to know what kind of plant is in front of them, they can take a picture with their cell phone, upload it to the app called Seek, and it displays the name, genus, species, and other important information about the plant.

One of the biggest differences between Informal Learning and Formal Learning, however, is that the learning is driven by the learner and based on the learner’s desired outcome. Because of this, a higher level of motivation is often a driving factor in the learning process. It is easier to stay focused, work long hours, and be resilient when the learner has ownership over both the process and the outcome. Don’t believe me? Just watch a video-gamer learning a new game. They will ignore sleep and food as they become immersed in the process.

Another important aspect of Informal Education is that failure isn’t just allowable, it’s necessary. Failure is an equivalent building block to success. Knowing what doesn’t work is just as important as knowing what works… and why. Ask anyone involved in innovation and they will tell you a long history of failures that led to the resulting service, product, or discovery. Failure is part of the process – not a punishable offense.

The challenge before us is that Informal Education has to meet the needs of the Informal Learner. With the power of the internet and massive databases of information, the focus can be more about curating information than creating it. However, then we need to figure out how to best present the information in a way that the learner can find it most readily, which is essentially the largest task of most modern search engines. There also has to be a consideration for which medium the information is relayed through – written instructions, video, online mentoring, story-telling, augmented reality? The method is often determined by the learner’s problem:

  • How urgently is the solution needed?
  • What are the consequences if the provided answer is wrong?
  • What is my preferred learning style?
  • What is my current knowledge base or need for additional context?

There are many more questions that we need to answer. But thankfully, the topic is also the answer. So let’s move forward with the understanding that education doesn’t stop at the school exit.

Let’s explore how and why people learn – both intentionally and incidentally. Presenting information in a manner that is both discoverable and applicable will be our biggest challenge as we collect more and more answers that are stepping stones to problems we have not yet identified. Through this process, along with collaboration and non-stop inquiry, we can inspire the innovation that is necessary for solving the most significant challenges before us… whether that’s how to breathe fire, or how to upgrade a particle accelerator.



About the Author: Meghan Gardner is the founder of Guardian Adventures which licenses Wizards & Warriors and Zombie Summer Camps, programs and events. These educational camps and events are the STEM and story-based experience we all wanted to attend as a kid – where instead of watching movies or playing video games about heroes, mythological creatures, mystery, and adventure, they get to live it. Kids and teens spend the summer playing a character of their own design and fighting monsters with foam swords or NERF Blasters, physics, biology, chemistry, and more.


Meghan Gardner in Korea 2019

This summer, I was once again honored to visit Seoul, South Korea as a lead trainer for the STEM Initiative, an educational alliance between ST Unitas (the parent company of The Princeton Review), professors from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Guardian Adventures.

The trip was filled with training, meetings, visiting local destinations, and a banquet of learning for all of us.  As well as meeting our team of 20 teachers and over 100 students, I had the opportunity to interview one of the top executives of ST Unitas who was present at the company’s start: Vision Director Kahee Kim.

My interview with Ms. Kim was eye-opening to me on the cultural differences between Asia and the USA as it pertains to education, business, and even how certain words like “innovation” are defined.  If you are interested in knowing more, join me in the LinkedIn group about Informal Education & Learning.  I will be posting articles there about various interviews I conduct with individuals from around the world as we explore what Informal Learning and Education is and why it’s important.

Each day, Dr. Uche Amaechi and I would be picked up and brought to Seoul National University.  Found in 1946, SNU is considered the most prestigious university in the country (with an international tuition of $5,500 a year – no, that’s not a typo).  We trained the teachers in the curriculum based on the story that all of the students are Mars colonists and trying to survive on Mars while also trying to expand beyond the solar system.

On the last day in Seoul, just as we were leaving for the airport, our hosts asked us to chat with the students who had just arrived for the start of the first session of camp.  Disregarding the fact that both Uche and I were in our informal travel clothes in preparation for a 14 hour plane trip, we agreed to meet with the kids and cheered them on as they stepped into the educational adventure we helped create.  During the meet & greet, we had the opportunity to talk up our Winter Camp where kids from Korea visit the US to attend classes at Harvard and then an immersive adventure at Guardian Adventures.

Outside of working with the generous and diligent students, teachers, and business executives at the STEM Initiative, I was also provided with exquisite culinary experiences, jaw-dropping walks through Seoul’s largest Buddhism temple, and endearing conversations with a number of people about their day-to-day lives and Korean culture.

If you haven’t been to Seoul and have the opportunity, I highly recommend it.  It is a very modern city with gorgeous architecture that looks as if it were designed either 100 years into the future or 500 years into the past.  It’s immensely clean (the subway station especially) and safe.  Many of the residents speak English and are excited about sharing their beautiful city with foreigners.

I came home to discover that Guardian Adventures has been contracted by another international organization to develop educational programs for their clients.  We will share more about this project after the news goes public in November.  But we are very excited to see our company expanding into the global market and helping students of all ages all over the world learn through our educational adventures.  Stay tuned and let’s make this journey together.



About the Author:

Meghan Gardner is the founder of Guard Up, Inc. which owns and operates Wizards & Warriors and Zombie Summer Camps, programs and events. These educational camps and events are STEM and story-based experience where instead of watching movies or playing video games about heroes, mythological creatures, mystery, and adventure, the campers get to live it. Kids and teens spend the summer playing a character of their own design and fighting monsters with foam swords or NERF Blasters, physics, biology, chemistry, and more. Gardner is also a STEM Curriculum Designer for ST Unitas (the parent company of The Princeton Review), a guest lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education and other major universities, and an international speaker on the topic of Informal Education and Learning for all ages.

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