Transformative Education & Experience Consultant

Who Does Meghan Help?

  • Businesses that want to create transformative educational experiences for their audience or employees which enables long term change of behavior
  • Companies that understand that hands-on challenges and significant discussion time allows participants to engage in more social and memorable learning
  • Event organizers that are seeking a dynamic storyteller as a public speaker to deliver content that is both engaging and applicable
  • Human Resources and Training & Development professionals that want measurable change (and yes, we can measure that change with our data analysis group)
  • Universities seeking online or in-person program development for their research or guest speakers on the topics of informal education, transformative experiences, and global collaborations
  • Recreation companies or Cruise Ships that specialize in providing live programming for customers and want to add educational or story elements to create a more immersive experience
  • Libraries, Museums, Aquariums and other attraction locations that want to create a living adventure that inspires your patrons to question and learn
  • Organizations that would like to work with Cultural Educators or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion specialists for the purpose of building bridges across varied cultures and helping them collaborate in a manner that honors their lived experience while also valuing the lived experience of others

Meghan has partnered with industry leaders in each of these types of organizations in bringing what they have in mind into an engaging and transformative experience.

How Does Meghan Help?

She starts by asking a lot of questions to help understand the client’s needs. Then, through a process of integrating her expertise and the client’s own knowledge, she co-creates solutions that don’t just address the needs in the moment… they reinforce sustained change. This means taking into consideration what your audience says, thinks, does, and feels before, during, and after the experience.  Meghan has a long and wide history of creating immersive, transformative experiences and can work with almost any environment and all ages.

Reach Out To Meghan

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